Carol Burch-Brown Portfolios

Check back with us later!

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Salt Marsh Suite collaborators: Carol Burch-Brown, Ann Kilkelly, Thomas Tucker, David Mills, Dongsoo Choi. Collaborators not in the water include Joan Grossman and Tohm Judson.

The audio you hear on this page is a recording I made of the feeding activities and the percussive clicks made by fiddler crabs with different parts of their shells.



Salt Marsh Suite Project Development

Check back with us later!

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Salt Marsh Suite collaborators: Carol Burch-Brown, Ann Kilkelly, Thomas Tucker, David Mills, Dongsoo Choi. Collaborators not in the water include Joan Grossman and Tohm Judson.

The audio you hear on this page is a recording I made of the feeding activities and the percussive clicks made by fiddler crabs with different parts of their shells.

